South Carolina is adjusting SUI rates mid-year. All SC clients should have received the following correspondence from South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce. Additional correspondence with your updated SUI rate will follow. It is imperative that you forward your adjusted rate to your Account Manager.

1550 Gadsden Street
PO Box 995
Columbia, SC 29202


Revised 2011 tax rates shown below are preliminary estimates based on recently legislated $146 million in state appropriations along with other changes in benefits (H.3700, Proviso 90.18 and H.3762). You will receive additional correspondence informing you of your revised rate.

Anyone who has not filed and paid their second quarter taxes should continue to pay using the rate received in January 2011. We encourance you to file and pay through the South Carolina Business OneStop (SCBOS) at

Any credits resulting from the lowe4r rates can be applied to future quarters. We are working with the appropriate agencies to determine if and when cas refunds could be issued. Please continue to check for the most up-to-date information or follow us on Twitter at scdewinfo. You may also contact the agency at

Revised 2011 TAX TABLE

Rate Class Base Rate Interest and Contingency Total Effective Tax Rate Estimated Cost per Worker
1 0.00% 0.103% 0.103% $10.30
2 0.71% 0.105% 0.818% $81.80
3 0.79% 0.113% 0.903% $90.30
4 0.88% 0.119% 0.999% $99.90
5 0.98% 0.126% 1.106% $110.60
6 1.09% 0.133% 1.223% $122.30
7 1.21% 0.141% 1.351% $135.10
8 1.34% 0.150% 1.490% $149.00
9 1.49% 0.160% 1.650% $165.00
10 1.66% 0.171% 1.831% $183.10
11 1.84% 0.183% 2.023% $202.30
12 2.04% 0.197% 2.237% $223.70
13 3.91% 0.323% 4.233% $423.30
14 4.35% 0.352% 4.702% $470.20
15 4.83% 0.384% 4.214% $521.40
16 5.37% 0.420% 5.790% $579.00
17 5.96% 0.460% 6.420% $642.00
18 6.62% 0.505% 7.125% $712.50
19 7.36% 0.554% 7.914% $791.40
20 8.18% 0.609% 8.789% $878.90