As many as 17 states are increasing their SUI Wage Base. Some states have yet to report their 2012 wage base. Below is a listing of reported 2012 SUI wage bases compared to 2011.


2012 Wage Base

2011 Wage Base

Alabama $8,000 $8,000
Alaska 34,600
Arizona 7,000 7,000
Arkansas 12,000 12,000
California 7,000 7,000
Colorado 11,000 10,000
Connecticut 15,000 15,000
Delaware 10,500 10,500
District of Columbia 9,000 9,000
Florida 8,500 7,000
Georgia 8,500 8,500
Hawaii 34,200
Idaho 33,300
Illinois 13,560 12,740
Indiana 9,500 9,500
Iowa 25,300 24,700
Kansas 8,000 8,000
Kentucky 9,000 8,000
Louisiana 7,700
Maine 12,000 12,000
Maryland 8,500 8,500
Massachusetts 14,000 14,000
Michigan 9,000 9,000
Minnesota 28,000 27,000
Mississippi 14,000 14,000
Missouri 13,000 13,000
Montana 27,000 26,300
Nebraska 9,000 9,000
Nevada 26,400 26,600
New Hampshire 14,000 12,000
New Jersey 30,300 29,600
New Mexico 22,400 21,900
New York 8,500 8,500
North Carolina 19,700
North Dakota 25,500
Ohio 9,000 9,000
Oklahoma 19,100 18,600
Oregon 32,300
Pennsylvania 8,000 8,000
Puerto Rico 7,000 7,000
Rhode Island *19,600  19,000
South Carolina 12,000 10,000
South Dakota 12,000 11,000
Tennessee 9,000 9,000
Texas 9,000 9,000
Utah 28,600
Vermont 16,000 13,000
Virgin Islands 22,600
Virginia 8,000 8,000
Washington 38,200 37,300
West Virginia 12,000 12,000
Wisconsin 13,000 13,000
Wyoming 23,000 22,300

* Note: For approximately 75% of employers, the wage base will be $19,600. For employers that pay at the highest UI tax rate of 9.79% (25% of employers), the wage base will be $21,100.